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Online Safety

Online Education


At Burghill Community Academy we utilize the Kapow Primary Online Safety scheme of work to deliver a curriculum that aligns with our school's ethos, vision, and values.


Online Class


Pupils will be taught about online safety as part of the curriculum. This is taught every half term and reinforced through Computing, PSHE and RSE lessons.


In Key Stage 1, pupils will be taught to:

  • Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private

  • Identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies


Pupils in Key Stage 2 will be taught to:

  • Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly

  • Recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

  • Identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact


In every classroom, the SMART rules are displayed and reinforced when using devices. We discuss the safe use of social media and the internet will also be covered in other subjects where relevant. Where necessary, teaching about safeguarding, including online safety, will be adapted for vulnerable children, victims of abuse and some pupils with SEND.


We raise parents/carers' awareness of online safety by providing weekly 'Wake Up Wednesday' guides from National Online Safety. If parents/carers have any queries or concerns in relation to their child and/or Online Safety. these should be raised with the headteacher and/or the DSL.


Online Class
Two Friends with a Tablet


By the end of primary school, pupils will know:

  • That people sometimes behave differently online, including by pretending to be someone they are not

  • That the same principles apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships, including the importance of respect for others online, including when we are anonymous

  • The rules and principles for keeping safe online, how to recognise risks, harmful content and contact, and how to report them

  • How to critically consider their online friendships and sources of information including awareness of the risks associated with people they have never met

  • How information and data is shared and used online

  • What sorts of boundaries are appropriate in friendships with peers and others (including in a digital context)

  • How to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts, including online) whom they do not know​

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