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Physical Education (P.E)



Burghill Community Academy puts physical activity at the heart of developing a healthy lifestyle from EYFS through to KS2. We believe that P.E. and developing an enjoyment of sport is key to adopting a healthy mind and body throughout life. Our aim is to deliver a curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities that enable our children to develop skills to find success and enjoyment in a range of physical activities. This will enable them to be ready to develop positive attitudes, skills, and fitness and potentially engage in elite sports as they progress to secondary school. Teaching children to become agile, confident, sports participants is a motivating and exciting part of what we do at Burghill Community Academy. We have many opportunities for sports participation at a range of levels and being physically active both within the curriculum, as well as during extra-curricular activities. We want children to explore a range of sporting activities to: • Discover the activities they gain enjoyment from. • Develop physical skills and agility. • Wish to pursue, in order to maintain a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally. P.E. will prepare children to have an understanding of the importance of physical fitness and agility. As well as the confidence to have an involvement in the wider community. Diversity of sport is prioritised in order to allow children to find an activity they enjoy. Underpinning this is a progressive development of skills to enable them to confidently participate in a range of sports. Our aim is for all children to regularly participate in physical activity, maintain a good level of fitness, develop skills and understand how and why a healthy lifestyle is important. These opportunities are afforded to all children, no matter what their starting level.



At Burghill Community Academy, children experience a range of sporting experiences through P.E. and extra-curricular activities afforded them from EYFS physical development through until UKS2 physical education lessons. Children are given the opportunity to experience and develop skills in a wide range of sporting activities, tournaments and festivals. This occurs through delivery of the P.E. curriculum (Get Set 4 PE), the Orchard MAT’s portfolio of events and competitions as well as other locally-run events. As the children move through the school, they continue to develop their gross and fine motor skills beginning by working towards those early-learning goals in EYFS. Additional to this, a sense of fair play and sportsmanship is nurtured across the school, including our approach of “inclusive competitiveness” where pupils are encouraged to try their best to win any competition they’re a part of but also respectfully accepting defeat when it occurs and being reflective to improve in the future. All aspects of physical activity are underpinned by a drive to expend energy and exert the body and mind to develop fitness on a daily basis. Adults across the school act as role models for P.E. by ensuring that children have access to good quality equipment, recognising and rewarding children for development during activities, wearing sports clothing for P.E. and volunteering to take children to extracurricular festivals and competitions, as well as sports activities off-site. 3 Burghill Community Academy has a hard-surface playground, a large playing field, woodland area, interactive playground gym and climbing equipment and a range of sports equipment to support the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. The P.E. Coordinator regularly checks and updates equipment. All classes are timetabled for regular P.E. sessions. Participation in extra-curricular activities are driven by pupils and staff with children of all abilities encouraged to take part. The P.E. Coordinator’s aim each year is to ensure that every child in KS2 has taken part in at least one after-school club or extra-curricular sporting activity each year. P.E. is planned through Get Set 4 P.E. to cover all National Curriculum objectives through a variety of sports. Skills within each lesson build on previous learning. Most sports, with the exception of a few, run on a two-year cycle. Swimming lessons are delivered by Halo Leisure with certificates given out in accordance with Swim England criteria and the aim of having all pupils reach the standard of swimming 25m unaided by the end of Year 6. All children in KS1 and KS2 are given the opportunity to learn to swim, develop a range of strokes and understand aspects of the need for water safety. Children’s achievements in physical activity and sport are also celebrated in our weekly golden assemblies. Our school is also the hub of local sporting activities across the Orchard MAT with our PE Coordinator arranging and providing inter-school sporting opportunities in a number of areas including, but not exclusive to: football, tag rugby, golf, surfing, gymnastics and cricket.



Assessment of skills, identified within the P.E. National Curriculum, is carried out lesson by lesson. The Get Set 4 P.E. scheme has clear success criteria for each lesson enabling staff to identify skills acquired and plan future lessons to build on those skills. Children are encouraged to peer assess, offering constructive feedback to aid further development during each lesson. These judgements will be quality assured by subject leaders using first-hand evidence of how pupils are doing, drawing together evidence from lesson observations and pupil voice to monitor ongoing progress. Assessments will inform the curriculum and whether children are ready for the next stages in the curriculum. Our Sport Premium funding has not just ensured that there is enough basic equipment in school but it has also been used to target the least active and confident individuals to improve their self-belief and friendships as well and providing opportunities to be inspired by elite sport and take part in activities to help with their transition to KS3

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